Graduation Requirement

Reminder to families with students who are Graduating High School that students need to meet the minimum requirements stated in the student handbook in order to participate in the Grad Ceremony.
A student shall be allowed to participate in the graduation ceremonies provided that he/she fulfills the following requirements by achievement of or enrolment in all required courses leading to a high school diploma.
English 15 credits Career Transitions 3310 Science 10 credits
Social Studies 15 credits CALM 3 credits
Mathematics 10 credits Physical Education 3 credits
- A mark of 50% must be maintained in all courses required for a high school diploma as of June 15th.
- A minimum of four 30 level courses and 115 credits
- Students must take a minimum of 20 credits in their grade 12 year
- Students enrolled in Distance Education courses must complete the courses by June 15th to be eligible for the Graduation Exercise
- All school, shop, and library fees must be paid before graduation.
- Completion of CTR 3310 Career Planning Portfolio and presentation.
*If an issue occurs due to a lengthy illness, the principal will assess this matter.
Students not fulfilling these requirements SHALL NOT be permitted to participate in the formal aspects of the Graduation Ceremonies.